Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The G Girls

I am really late on this post- but better late than never right?   To date, this is one of my favorite sessions.   When Julie was telling me about the location she wanted, I have to admit, I was a little worried.  I was worried about lighting, posing, and frankly, I was a little worried about trespassing.  Needless to say, she was 100% right and I worried for no reason.   Her girls are a lot of fun and full of personality.  

The G Family

Oh my goodness, I am so far behind on posting.   Last weekend, I spent time with the G family.   Have you ever been around a family that just makes you smile?  Well, this is that type of family.   You can tell they are a close family and that they have a lot of fun together.   I had so much fun that night and even now editting the pictures, I have a smile on my face.   Enjoy!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The P Family

This was one of the easiest sessions I have ever had.   We would decide on a location and they were posed for their pictures - complete with smiles.    


The K Family

A little late than never - right?    Last weekend, I met the K family.   We had a lot of fun at Lincoln park.   Other than the "incident", it was a perfect session and one I won't soon forget!   Ha ha!